Category: Wellness

Your hobbies suck or, Why you need to seek better joy.

Yep, you read that right, your hobbies suck. I’m not apologising for it because it is true. You play with your kids? Spend time with your partner? Garden? Go to the gym? Wow, what a rule breaker. Your hobbies suck, they really do. I often sit across the room in therapy with a client and […]

What is the treatment for blood phobia (hemophobia)

Hemophobia, blood phobia, fear of blood, whatever you call it, can be a major problem in the lives of sufferers. Broadly called blood-injury-injection phobia is a relatively common phobia and we’ll look a little bit at the treatment options. A phobia, unlike a fear, is an unconscious response to a feared stimulus which causes dysfunction […]

Anxiety at work

There has been a lot of focus on stress and anxiety at work in the past few weeks, with several news articles coming out talking about these issues. I thought that it would be good to look at some of the reasons that people present to a Psychologist for anxiety at work to help to […]