ADD Assessment

From April 2024, Insite Psychology Gold Coast will be providing Adult ADD and ADHD Assessment and Diagnosis in office at Elanora and Mudgeeraba.

I know that ADD assessments on the Gold Coast can be difficult to find at the moment, with significant waitlists. The demand at Insite Psychology has also been high, so I have decided to formally offer these assessments to current and future clients.

Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder can have a big impact on many aspects of your life, and a diagnosis can help to put the puzzle pieces in the right spots and work out what is next in your journey.

What to expect at your ADD Assessment
  • A 1.5-2 hour clinical interview in office at Mudgeeraba or Elanora (telehealth sessions are available, however in office appointments are preferred);
  • Completion of scales in relation to ADD/ADHD
  • Completion of scales in relation to stress, anxiety and depression
  • A treatment plan for your ADD and further recommendations on psychosocial approaches to your wellbeing
  • A 30 minute feedback session in office (or video) to discuss your results
  • Written feedback to other treatment providers

What you need for ADD Assessment
  • Copies of academic reports (if available)
  • Copies of any other reports from medical professionals

What is not included in your ADD Assessment
  • Ongoing treatment (treatment can be arranged at extra cost)
  • Prescription of medication (Insite Psychology is able to provide diagnosis and psychosocial intervention only, a Psychiatrist can provide further medication advice)
Cost of ADD Assessment

The cost of an ADD assessment through Insite Psychology is $549. Further treatment sessions are $170 (which you can receive a $93 rebate through Medicare if you have a referral from your GP).

An ADD Assessment can be booked through the Contact Us Page at either of the Gold Coast Clinics. Please request an ADD Assessment at the time of booking as appointment times differ to regular treatment sessions.